Monday, March 25, 2013


For this shooting assignment, we went into the Fieldhouse and took pictures of 6th graders while they skated. The skating unit in Phy. Ed. was always my favorite growing up, so I felt that this assignment would be somewhat nostalgic. However, I remember having more people falling in my class than what we saw while taking photos, and I thought my pictures would be boring with little pictures of kids falling. Nonetheless, I did manage to take some photos that were interesting (and not too blurry). These were the highlights.

Aperture: f/5.3  ISO: 640  Shutter Speed: 1/80
This is one of the first pictures I took upon entering the Fieldhouse. We came in right as the kids were putting their skates and gear on. I really like this picture because it has a good color and is nice and crisp. I tried to reduce the noise in the background, but after a while it looked too fake so I just decided to leave it.

Aperture: f/3.5  ISO: 640  Shutter Speed: 1/500
This next photo was one I took while standing in the middle of the gym. I would say that the main focus is probably the kid in the red, because your eyes automatically go to his bright outfit. It's not the best quality photo, but I love how the girl in gray and the boy in red have almost the exact body position.

Aperture: f/5.9  ISO: 320  Shutter Speed: 1/40
Of course there are going to be a few fallers! Mr. Kuhn had the kids stop with the breaks on their skates after he turned down the volume on the radio. Most of the kids did pretty well, but there were a few who fell every time. In this picture I really liked how the girl fell (I know, it's probably a bad thing to say!) and landed like this. Her body is in a unique position for someone who just fell!

Aperture: f/3.9  ISO: 160  Shutter Speed: 1/40
After the kids were done skating, they all sat in a line and took their skates and gear off. I took this time to snoop around and find this picture opportunity. I think that the kids the other day wore actual roller blades instead of roller skates. But I remember when I was their age that we had to wear the things shown above. The germ-infested bowling shoes with wheels stuck to the bottom!

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