Thursday, January 31, 2013
Composition of Photography
Zig Zag Lines
I liked how the shadow of the bars created the zig zag lines. The yellow and blue seem to compliment each other nicely as well.
Vertical Lines
The vertical lines are found in the trees. The girl in red gives the picture a little more color and the focus is mainly on her.
Curved Lines
In this picture you can see many different curved lines. One set of curved lines is in the ramp and railing area. The other is the set of steps in front of the building.
Rule of Thirds
Horizontal Lines
These stairs represent horizontal lines well. The different width of each set of stairs makes it have depth.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Frosted Door
This is a picture I took of the frosted door on my house that leads to our storage room. I thought the frosted windows expressed the feeling of cold in this time of the year where everything seems to be tinted in a sheet of ice. The main focus os the ice on the door.
Our Source of Heat, Covered in Snow
My father owns a machine shop, and since the shop was built the only way to keep the large building heated during the winter was a wood furnace. This year, however, my father switched furnaces and no longer has a great need for the firewood. I took this picture because I liked how the snow built up on the wood that was not being used, sort of a way of saying that it is not needed anymore. The main focus of this picture is the snow-covered logs.
Another Winter
This is a piece of the tree that is planted outside of our house. The tree was planted the same year I was born, and like myself, it keeps growing through the many seasons of the year. Just another winter passing by in this journey of life.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Favorites from around the web- 2012
Sunflower Close Up

Artist: Matt Anderson
This photo is a close-up view of a sunflower. I like this because at the edges it's not that special, but once you look in further you can see a beautiful design that has been created by nature. The lines are almost geometric, and I really like this picture.
Artist: Erfu Wang
This piece was taken In Manhattan at the time of day where the city is at its darkest. The main focus is the building, with the secondary focus is the trees. I like this piece because it shows a different side to a large city and that it can be peaceful.
Artist: Erfu Wang
This picture was also taken in Manhattan in the depths of the night. Notice how the only person on the street at that moment is the woman with her bicycle. I like the way the lights look in this picture, and you can see down the street and all the buildings to the side.
Beacon Rock
Artist: No real name given; gappman on Flickr
I chose this photo as one of my favorites because I love the red and blue color contrast that is displayed. You can see a spot on the right hand side where the red and blue sort of mix together. Main focus of this picture is the rock, because that's what my eye was first drawn to. Secondary is the sky, and it's colors.
Artist: Phil McGrew
This picture was taken in San Francisco by Phil McGrew. I think that this is an amazing piece with all the city lights in the background and the abnormally large-looking moon. The bridge itself has a sort of glimmer to it, too. The main focus would be the moon, and after you glance at it for .4 seconds, you realize all the intricate lights shining in the background.
Starry Night
Artist: Kirk Norbury
Kirk Norbury is known for his photography of nature and wildlife, and I think this piece is wonderful. The main subjects are the stars
Tunnel Sunrise
Artist: Lisa Hale.
The main subject of this picture seems to be the tunnel and how it makes a gateway for the sunrise to peak out from. The secondary subjects would be the mountains off to the side and in the distance. The darkness to light comparison worked well in this picture.
Sunshine in the Rainforest
Artist: Lisa Hale
This piece was shot by Lisa Hale and I think she did an excellent job capturing the rays of light as they weave through the trees. The main subject would probably be the rays of light, and the secondary subject would be the trees. With the different distances of the trees one can see how the light bends differently.
Japanese Maple in Fall
Artist: Michael Russell.The main subject is the color of the leaves on the Japanese Maple tree. This picture is cropped nicely and seems to be a bit noisy, which I feel works very well. I chose this photo because I like the vividness of the red leaves and the green in the background.
Lions Gate Bridge Night Traffic
Artist: Michael Russell.
This is a picture of the traffic on Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia at night. I chose this picture because I am an aficionado of pictures that incorporate both bright colors and darkness. The lines from the headlights and the tail lights give a vertical feel to the picture and seem to flow nicely. Also, the lights going up the bridge give more of a defined aspect to the piece.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Open Theme
Prince of the Blankets
This is my fat cat Sandy. He is about 10 years old and loves the feel of warm blankets. This cat is so picky that if you don't have a blanket on your lap, there is no chance of him coming up onto you and showing affection. I woke up the other morning to find that he was just sitting on my bed like he owned the place. What a little prince.
The Light of the Flame
This, in fact, is not a real flower. I was searching through our camper one day and came across this little nifty item. It's one of those solar powered flowers that moves when put into direct sunlight. For this image, I went into the editing software to make the color a little bit cooler.
Trailing Behind
While in the Galapagos Islands this summer, I had the opportunity to do many aquatic activities- one of them being kayaking. We had woken up early that morning not knowing how to kayak or what the Pacific Ocean had in store for us. The group members quickly adjusted to the movements of the waves and how to use the oars correctly. We went about 5 miles along the coastline and were exhausted, so our tour guide found the boat that picked us up afterward and they hooked up the kayaks in the way shown in the picture above.
A Bouquet of Beauty
This is a bouquet of special roses that I found while in a market in Ecuador this summer. Quito, Ecuador is a city famous for their excellent roses. Since roses are more common in this area than in the United States, this bouquet of six rainbow colored roses only cost me $1.50.Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Sample Post
This is my cat Sandy. When I was in first grade my parents took me to get a cat from the Humane Society. I really wanted a female orange cat, but they didn't have any there, so we brought home this fella.
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