Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CD Jewel Case

Cover Page

Middle Page

        I thought this project was both challenging and easy. When I picked Contemporary Country as my music genre, I was flabberghasted! "Country?? My least favorite kind of music? Great." But once I looked in to what the album covers of Country artists looked like, I figured it would be pretty easy to find some content that could unleash my inner Country star. Right. SO for the cover page, I decided to do a collage of what  country was in my mind. You see things like an old car, a swing, a farm, and a cowboy hat (that last one was inevitable). For the middle page of the CD case, I chose the picture of an old building in downtown Neillsville. I thought the light was hitting it really nicely, and I just loved the general structure of the building. For the back page of the CD case, I used the farm picture from the front. I liked that picture because it gave me somewhat of a blank area to put the song titles, but still had a bit of interesting content in it. For the overall album, I used the "Antique" feature on iPhoto to give the pictures a more warm, Western-y type feel to them. 

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