Thursday, March 21, 2013

Animal Morph

This was definitely my favorite assignment for photography so far. We were asked to take pictures of an animal and put our facial features on it using the Photoshop program. The first step to this assignment was to take a nice picture of an animal. I chose my cat Sandy since he's our only pet and I come into contact with him the most. Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of a cat??? I must have taken about 20 pictures trying to get his face at just the right angle to work with! Eventually, I took the one shown above and called it good, seeing as there was no way I could get anything better. Then I took a picture of myself with almost the same angle of the camera and head position as the cat. Next I went to Photoshop and copy and pasted my eyes and mouth on to the cat's body. After a few minutes of erasing and editing, I ended up with the picture that is shown at the bottom. I am overall very pleased with this photo! It looks creepy, but just creepy enough to be believable. :)

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